wat the hell!!i reli hate our school staff!
he banned my student ID to stop me from using sch com.
wat the hack he is thinking?is tat a game?i dun think so lo!
recently i've addicted to a 'game' call groword in viwawa...
so when im free in sch i will go to my sch web to play it...
as usual, i go to the web today to play the 'game' again...
i go there around 4.45pm and i try and try to log in the game,
but i cant, i duno y?so i play big2.5 first...
after a while i try again and finally i log in to the 'game'...
when i play until 5.36pm like tat,
one of my fren, who work in the web come and says to me:
'sorry vee i nit ur student ID no.'
i ask her y?she told me tat the staff thr saw me play game and
call her come and take my student ID...!wat the F**K!!!
call him go die la!is groword a game?i dun think so lo!!
groword is an education!it teach us to learn new words!
i wonder he know onot?did he play tat b4?
i wonder to know whether he hav children o not?
if hav he better dun let me know tat he giv his children play tat!
he is reli stupid and uneducated!at tat moment i reli wan
to go thr and argue wit him,but thrs many ppl thr,so juz arhhh!!!!
he is lucky!!!if not he will die in my hand!STUPID!im d in bad mood d,
he still call ppl cum and banned my student ID!
nvm......!after 1 week i can play again!hemph!!!
i wont care bout him de!old man!stupid man!useless man!uneducated man!
u tink i scare u?absolutely not!watch out u old man!
the one tat im very 'zha dou' one is after he record down my ID,
not more than 5mins, my sis arrive d...=.="...y im so 'sui'?
plz..i beg u...plz return bak my luck to me coz im sitting for an english
test 2molo...its reli hard la!noun,adjective,verb,adverb!wats tat!so cofused!
i give u guys a question:
"Ronald considered buying his sweetheart a diamond ring."
buying is a noun,adjective,verb or advereb?u wont know the ans!
good luck to me for 2molo test..coz 2day math test,die....!
nxt week wednesday hav acc test again..arhh!!going insane!
and tis is the diffcult one, i reli duno how la!!!2 chapter combine 2geta!
dear!!!help me.....i wan to c u now...amoteh...
it is not a verb dude..
u r wrong!!tedted!!
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